Me and G

Me and G

Monday, July 11, 2011

Love like crazy!!

Howdy!! I know it has been a while, but June was a tough one: church camp, bible school, my brother's wedding, vacation, not to mention baseball games 4 nights a week!! Although, I wouldn't trade any of that for the world, I am rather glad for a break!
Geoffrey had guard drill this weekend, and so I decided to spend Saturday with my momma (she offered to cook my favorite meal, and what daughter turns that down?) Anyway, on the way, I was listening to some country station since K-Love has decided to fade out. Well, "Love like crazy" came on, and boy was I loving the lyrics. It goes a little something like this:
Be a best friend, tell the truth
Overuse the words "I love you"
Go to work, do your best
Don't outsmart your common sense
Never let your praying knees get lazy
And love like crazy!

This hit me in the FACE!!!! This is my love story!! G and I have been married for 13 years, and this is basically our philosophy. Although, 13 years ago, people doubted we would ever make it. See, I was pregnant. People thought that was why I was marrying him. Little did they know!! I married Geoffrey because I loved him, and I prayed for him to come into my life.God answered my prayer :)

 We did step outside God's will, but we vowed to give our whole life to Him, and we have. Geoffrey promised me that he would be the head of the household, and take his family to church, and he has upheld his promise to me and to God! And I love him so much for that. We are blessed with 2 boys that think their dad is the greatest thing in the world, and they strive to be like him. He is always teaching them something-some things I care nothing about knowing!!!
We are the best of friends! He still paints my toenails and highlights my hair! He always kisses me goodnight! And he still tucks both of his boys in every night and tells them "sweet dreams" and "I love you"!!
And I give all the glory to God for the boys I am so blessed with :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Here goes!!!

Well, just because I teach English, does NOT mean I like to write; however, I do love to read. With that in mind, I hope I can bless each of you at some point by posting scripture or other things I have read.
If not, I am truly sorry :(
My goal is to leave you with a smile, giggle, both, and if nothing else, a piece of me!! :)

Well, here I go!!!

Colossians 3:14!! Look it up!! I dare ya :)